Green (ages 9-10)
Green clinics are designed for intermediate level players ages 9-10 using the green-dot balls. Our main emphasis at this level is a rally-based curriculum and will focus on developing sending and receiving skills, sound footwork, racquet mechanics, and incorporating comparable athletic skills found in other sports. Players learn how to properly position themselves to execute groundstrokes and volleys, hit with a purpose, serve, and ultimately sustain a rally of varying speed and duration.
Class sessions:
Monday 4:30-6 p.m.
Thursday 6-7:30 p.m.
Saturday 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Class fees:
Each class is a monthly session. There are no make-ups. Those who do not commit to a full session will be billed an additional $6 per class. Non-members require a card on file for drop-ins.
1 1/2 hr-class: Member: $31 Non-member: $35
Drop-in rate: Member: $37 Non-member: $41